The Vanderbilt coach at Brighton, July 14, 1913
Unidentified Hove publisher, who issued small numbers of good quality real photographic cards of Brighton and Hove before and after the First World War. The captions are written in small, blocky capitals followed by "L.L.C Hove" (easily misread on some cards as "L.I.C. Hove") and a three or four digit serial number, sometimes with a letter prefix. The black and white or sepia photographs lack borders. Several cards record the arrival in Brighton of the Vanderbilt Coach on July 14, 1913 (the coach had been making runs to and from London from 1908 onwards). An additional card shows Mr Vanderbilt engaging in conversation with Lord Leconfield on the seafront. Also of note is a card of Hove's new motor fire engine on show on February 19, 1914. Much later is a card of crowds watching the unveiling of Brighton War Memorial on October 7, 1922.
Rather different in character are some sepia real photographic cards of Lewes marked "Copyright L.L.Ls.". The captions use capitals only for the start letter of each word; the rest is lower case. On present evidence it seems best to regard the Lewes cards as the work of another publisher, who may not have even been based in Sussex.
Design: Lucid Design