Directory of Publishers
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Please select a publisher from the index below:
B. C.
Archibald John & Frederick William Baker
Denis Walter Baker
Marjorie Baker
Leon Balk
John Henry Ball
Lewis G. Ball
George Banbury
Alfred & Edward Banks
William Henry Barrett
John Gorringe Barrow
Henry John Bartlett
Reginald Bateman
W. E. Baxter Ltd.
John Thomas Belchamber & Son
Hamish Bell
M. Bell (Henfield) - see Marjorie Baker
Benn & Cronin
Henry and Walter Bennett
William Henry Berry
Charles Edward Bex
Edward Bex
A. M. Bliss & Co.
John Henry Blomfield
Bluebell Railway
Bon Marché Series - see Frank Cecil Lewis
Thomas and Harold Bond
James Booker
Booker & Osborne
Boots, Brighton
Frederick Arthur Bourne
Herbert William Bowden
John Griffith Bowen
James Robert Bowles
William Edmund Bowles
Gifford Boyd
Henry James William Bray
Archibald Mark Breach
Brewster & Sheldrick - see Sheldrick
Brighton & Hove Herald
Brighton Camera Exchange
Brighton Mezzograph Co. - see Mezzograph Co.
Brighton Palace Series - see Rudolf & George Louis Handwerck
Brighton Publicity Department
Brighton View Company
Mrs Frances Burchett Brook
John Brooker & Son
William Brooker
Brown & Woodley (B. & W.)
Brown (Shoreham)
Otto Brown
Dr Ernest H. Buckell
Robert Briant Burgess
Henry Claude & Ernest Sydney Burnett (Burnett & Co.)
George Frank Burtt
Sydney Butler
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